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Online Hearing Tests vs. In-Person Hearing Tests

Jun 6, 2019

Online Hearing Tests

From online banking and paying bills to shopping and social media, many of our everyday lives can be handled via the internet. Some people even use online websites to try to diagnose their own health problems. If information and services are so readily available online, are there still some things that are better done in person? Let’s find out.

Online hearing tests

relatively new addition to the internet scene is the online hearing test. From the comfort of
your own home and using your own computer, you can log onto a website, fill out
a simple form, and go through the process of listening to various tones. Some
tests are more personalized than others, but when the test is finished, you are
generally provided with some simple results.

Are online hearing tests accurate?

hearing tests completed online are not exceptionally detailed in general, they
do have their place. They can be helpful in alerting you to whether or not you
do have hearing loss in the first place.
Additionally, when multiple tests are completed over time, it is possible to
notice any change in hearing ability.

What are the limitations of online hearing

online hearing tests can indicate the
presence or absence of hearing loss, they can’t
identify the type of loss (i.e. sensorineural, conductive, or mixed) or its cause. Since
the tests are not completely personalized, they can also be inadequate in terms
of determining the best way to treat the existing hearing loss.

When should I visit an audiologist?

Common signs of hearing loss include:

  • Asking others to repeat
  • Turning up the volume
    on electronics
  • Having difficulty
    listening to and making sense of conversations
  • Being unable to
    decipher voices in a noisy environment

If you have experienced any of the signs above, or have otherwise noticed any hearing difficulty, by all means, complete an online hearing assessment or test if you would like. It will at least give you some indication of whether or not you have a hearing problem.

For a
more thorough evaluation, hearing assessment, diagnosis, and treatment options,
however, it’s important to make an appointment
with an audiologist

or other hearing healthcare professional. Your hearing is too important to be
left up to a computer to diagnose and fix – our friendly audiologists are
specially trained to listen to you, diagnose hearing disorders, and prescribe a
personalized treatment plan that makes sense for YOU.

Learn More about Advanced Hearing Group

The post Online Hearing Tests vs. In-Person Hearing Tests appeared first on Hear Well – Live Well.

Source: Hear Well-Live Well Blog

Online Hearing Tests vs. In-Person Hearing Tests was last modified: June 6th, 2019 by joey

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