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10 Silent Causes of Hearing Loss

May 23, 2018

There is no doubt that continued exposure to loud noises over time can lead to temporary or permanent hearing loss, yet many people are unaware of some less obvious causes. U.S. News Health Editor Michael Schroeder identified 10 other causes of hearing impairment that are silent and often go unnoticed:

  1. Early exposure to triggers – This includes developmental problems and exposure to viruses or other medical conditions of the mother, such as gestational diabetes, while the baby is still in the womb or shortly after birth.
  2. Genetic factors – Some genetic disorders, such as Down or Usher Syndrome, are characterized by deteriorating hearing over time.
  3. The aging process – While no one enjoys it, the body does break down over time, and that includes a decline in the function of the ear, occurring at different rates for different people. While aging can’t be stopped, limiting exposure to controllable factors, such as loud noise, can be beneficial in slowing its progress.
  4. Infections – Fluid in the ear can cause infection, often a chronic occurrence in young children. Left untreated, the fluid and resulting infection can interrupt conduction of sound within the ear and cause hearing loss.
  5. Abnormal bone growth – Some people have a family history of otosclerosis, a condition in which at least one of the small ear bones is unable to vibrate freely in order to amplify sound. If left untreated, this can result in hearing loss, tinnitus, or both.
  6. Ear disorders – This includes Meniere’s Disease, an inner ear disorder characterized by vertigo, tinnitus, and often hearing loss. Although incurable, this disease can be managed through appropriate treatment by a specialist.
  7. Diabetes – While this disease is well known for its effect on blood sugar processing, many people are unaware that it can also cause hearing loss. Although the specific mechanism in which it does this is not clear, hearing loss is more common in people with diabetes than in those who don’t have the condition.
  8. Immune system disorders – In autoimmune disorders, such as Lupus, a dysfunctional immune system allows the disease to attack body organs and interfere with their function. This includes the ears and can result in temporary or permanent hearing loss.
  9. Ototoxic drugs – While being extremely useful in treating certain health conditions, some medications, such as chemotherapy drugs, can also have toxic effects on the ear, resulting in impaired hearing. Close monitoring of side effects can help prevent permanent damage.
  10. Undetermined causes – Some people experience sudden hearing loss with no apparent cause. Early intervention by an audiologist, however, can provide detection of hidden disorders, and appropriate treatment can prevent further problems or even reverse damage that has already occurred.

Although some of these factors cannot be controlled, such as genes or the aging process, others are at least partially preventable through eating well and practicing other healthy habits. Do what you can to improve your health today, and you may help prevent hearing loss tomorrow.

Read the full article at:

10 Silent Causes of Hearing Loss was last modified: October 6th, 2020 by Olivia

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