Hearing Loss In Children was last modified: May 31st, 2023 by Olivia


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Hearing Loss In Children

Hearing loss in children

We often think of hearing loss in terms of old age, but children’s ears are bombarded with unsafe sounds every single day, often from sources that might surprise you. Now is the perfect time to teach them How loud is TOO LOUD?

While some sounds, like a school bus or a crying baby, are a normal and healthy part of life, they can be dangerous to young ears after extended periods of time. Since an awareness of volume is a “learned sensitivity” this is the perfect time to teach your children about volume, hearing damage, hearing protection, and permanent hearing loss. As with most healthy habits, it’s much easier to learn hearing protection and sound awareness as a child, rather than waiting until they are faced with the additional temptations of loud music and sporting events. Visit with our audiologists today about helping your child learn how loud is too loud.

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Hearing Loss In Children was last modified: May 31st, 2023 by Olivia