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7 Ways to Manage Your Hearing Loss Effectively

Oct 5, 2022

7 Ways To Manage Your Hearing Loss Effectively

If you’re one of the many Americans who’ve been diagnosed with a hearing impairment, learning how to manage your hearing loss can help improve your quality of life. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, approximately 37.5 million Americans over the age of 18 report trouble hearing. So if you haven’t experienced hearing loss yet, there’s a good chance you will at some point in your life.

But how exactly do you manage your hearing loss so that it doesn’t interfere with everyday living? That’s a good question and we have a few tips to help you along your hearing loss journey.

How to Effectively Manage Your Hearing Loss

1. Expect that it will take time to adjust to your hearing aids.

If hearing aids are prescribed as part of your hearing loss treatment plan, give yourself time to get used to them. Your brain will need time to adjust to hearing noises that it hasn’t had to process in quite a while!

2. Be diligent about wearing your hearing aids.

It might sound obvious but you actually have to wear your hearing aids in order to reap the benefits of having them! In order to manage your hearing loss effectively, you’ll also want to keep spare hearing aid batteries on hand so they can easily be replaced when they give out.

3. Don’t be afraid to tell others that you have hearing loss.

You may find it easier to manage your hearing loss if others actually know about it. Simply being aware of the situation can make them communicate more clearly and may even prevent you from having to ask others to repeat themselves.

4. Use other devices WITH your hearing aids to help you hear even better.

Choosing the right hearing aids for your type and severity of hearing loss is one of the most important ways to manage your hearing loss. Hearing aids aren’t the only tools at your disposal, however. There are other pieces of technology such as TTY telephones that can make your hearing experience even easier when used in conjunction with your hearing aids.

5. Wear appropriate hearing protection when needed.

Sure, you won’t be able to undo the hearing loss you already have. But, it is possible to limit your daily noise exposure or wear appropriate hearing protection when loud sounds are unavoidable. These simple actions may enable you to prevent further hearing damage.

6. Schedule hearing aid repair and maintenance when required.

Hearing aids have delicate parts that can easily become damaged or affected by dirt, debris, and even too much earwax. Regular cleaning and maintenance can keep your devices working effectively. And, even the best hearing aids may need repair now and then. If your hearing aids can’t be fixed by replacing the batteries or with a simple cleaning, you can schedule hearing aid repair at our Mesa or Scottsdale offices.

7. Visit your audiologist for regular hearing evaluations.

One of the best ways to manage your hearing loss is to ensure that the hearing aids you have are actually meeting your current hearing needs. Since your hearing can change over time, it’s a good idea to schedule regular hearing tests and evaluations with your audiologist. In order to continue to hear well, you may need minor adjustments to the hearing aids you already have or you may need to eventually get different devices altogether.

Manage Your Hearing Loss With the Mesa and Scottsdale Hearing Experts

The good news is that you don’t have to manage your hearing loss alone. At Advanced Hearing Group, our audiologists and staff are well equipped to help you hear better now and in the future.

From hearing aid fittings, repair and maintenance to custom hearing protection and more, we offer a variety of services to meet your hearing healthcare needs. Simply schedule an appointment with us today and we’ll help you get started on the road to better hearing!

Learn More about Advanced Hearing Group
Learn More about Advanced Hearing Group

The post 7 Ways to Manage Your Hearing Loss Effectively appeared first on Hear Well – Live Well.

Source: Hear Well-Live Well Blog

7 Ways to Manage Your Hearing Loss Effectively was last modified: October 5th, 2022 by joey

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