Blog was last modified: January 30th, 2025 by Olivia


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Hear Well Live Well Blog

Insights and Solutions for Better Hearing Health

Why Should You Monitor Your Daily Noise Exposure?

Why Should You Monitor Your Daily Noise Exposure?

There’s no doubt that we live in a noisy world. With all of the gizmos, gadgets and machinery that make our lives easier, we’re also subject to daily noise exposure that our ancestors probably never even dreamed of. Unfortunately, this continued exposure to loud noise...

9 Tips For Communicating Effectively With People With Hearing Loss

9 Tips For Communicating Effectively With People With Hearing Loss

It’s Better Hearing and Speech Month, one of our favorite months of the year. Why? Simply because there’s a concentrated effort to raise awareness about communication disorders and how treatment for these conditions can help those who live with hearing loss. For...

How Hearing Loss Increases Loneliness

How Hearing Loss Increases Loneliness

Loneliness is a feeling we’ve all experienced at some point in our lives, perhaps even more frequently in the past few years thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, what is likely an occasional feeling for most of us is a daily occurrence for some individuals. We’re...

How Do Spring Allergies Affect Your Ears

How Do Spring Allergies Affect Your Ears

According to the calendar, it’s officially spring. Many people look forward to this time of year as a welcome reprieve from cooler wintertime temperatures. Plus, the birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, and colors are vibrant. If you suffer from spring allergies,...

Professional Earwax Removal: Is It Necessary?

Professional Earwax Removal: Is It Necessary?

Excessive earwax or an earwax buildup is more common than you might think. If you’ve ever experienced it yourself, you can probably attest to the pain or discomfort that such a buildup can cause. However, is it possible to get rid of the wax yourself, or is...

What Happens If You Don’t Treat Hearing Loss?

What Happens If You Don’t Treat Hearing Loss?

There are some things in life that will go away if you ignore them. For example: Snow will eventually melt, whether you shovel it or not.A headache can disappear on its own, whether you take medicine or not.A virus can make you feel miserable for a while, but will...

9 Famous Celebrities Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

9 Famous Celebrities Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

When you think of famous celebrities, do you picture people who have it all? Riches, fame, multi-million dollar mansions, homes on a tropical island, and the freedom to do or buy whatever they want. While many well-known people do enjoy these perks of being...

How to Safely Clean Your Baby’s Ears

How to Safely Clean Your Baby’s Ears

As a new parent, there’s so much to learn about your baby! When and how to feed them, how to understand their cries, and how to clean your baby’s ears are just a few of the many things that come to mind.  While we aren’t your best source for everything else baby...

Deaf Awareness Month: Celebrating the History of the Deaf Community

Deaf Awareness Month: Celebrating the History of the Deaf Community

September is well-known as the beginning of autumn and the arrival of everything pumpkin! But, did you know that it’s also Deaf Awareness Month?  As such, it’s a great time to talk about resources for the Deaf, how to effectively advocate for Deaf...

5 Tips For Protecting Your Hearing Aids This Summer

5 Tips For Protecting Your Hearing Aids This Summer

It’s officially summer and it’s HOT! One sure way to get cool is to spend some time in the water, but that can often present challenges for hearing aid wearers. Learning the basics of protecting your hearing aids from moisture is key to having fun this...

6 Reasons to Get a Hearing Test

6 Reasons to Get a Hearing Test

If you lead a busy life, it can be a struggle to prioritize exactly what’s important. It’s easy to let things like work, family, and school take precedence over your own health. Maybe you get a yearly physical, but when was the last time you chose to get a hearing...

5 Steps For Successful Treatment of Hearing Loss

5 Steps For Successful Treatment of Hearing Loss

The successful treatment of hearing loss starts with recognizing that you do, in fact, have a hearing problem. Do you find it difficult to understand conversations in noisy settings? Does it sound like people are mumbling? Are you unable to hear high pitched sounds...

How to Teach Kids About Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

How to Teach Kids About Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

It’s a noisy planet, there’s no doubt about that. And, unfortunately, that means that the cases of noise-induced hearing loss are on the rise. To make matters worse, what used to primarily be a problem for adults exposed to loud noises, is now affecting the younger...

10 Signs You Need Your Hearing Tested

10 Signs You Need Your Hearing Tested

Have your friends or loved ones been encouraging you to get your hearing tested? If so, there’s likely a good reason … or even more than one. The trouble is, others may recognize your hearing loss before you do. While that may seem annoying, or even none of their...

Blog was last modified: January 30th, 2025 by Olivia